Saturday, December 15, 2007

It's all in the brain

I believe that the skeptics are right when they claim that ghosts are only in the mind of the recipients. But this does not mean that they are hallucinating but rather something caused them to perceive ghostly images. How do we see things? It happens when photons deflected from the surface of the objects enter our eye and strike our retina. The cone cell and rod cell will then undergo chemical changes and electrical signals are produced and travel along the neurons to the brain. The brain will of course interpret the signals. This is how we see things. So it is the brain that sees, not the eyes. Thus it is possible to create images inside the brain directly and made the recipient “sees”. It is well known that through hypnosis we can induce a state of mind in the subject and then suggest to him or her that he or she will only see the hypnotist. Even though there are people around and the subject is fully conscious, he or she will not see them until be told otherwise by the hypnotist!So it is very possible that apparitions too are simply images in the mind. But what is the source? Surely there are no hypnotists around? The answer may well be EMF or electromagnetic field. It is well known that EMF causes hallucination. So area with strong EMF usually has many reports of paranormal phenomena, including UFOs, ghosts, monsters, alien abductions etc. So it makes sense why ghost hunters and paranormal investigators use EMF meters to detect the presence of ghosts. It makes sense that ghostly activities increased before a storm or during full moon since magnetic field is increased. It is also not a coincidence that melatonin (In lower vertebrates causes aggregation of pigment in melanophores and thus lightens skin. In humans believed to play a role in establishment of circadian rhythms) secreted by the pineal gland, also known as the Third Eye, is affected by the presence of EMF. The Third Eye, although believed by many to be able to see ghosts and aura, might really be the remnant of a real biological eye, which still possessed by some reptiles.So all ghostly images seen, or ghostly sound heard, even ghostly smell can be explained by they are all just in the brain!

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